Monday, June 23, 2008

Must Listen

If you missed any of Diane Rehm's interview with James Hansen, climate scientist and director of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, you have to listen to it here.

In it, Dr. Hansen talks about his comments that the global warming trend is mainly the result of human-produced greenhouse gases were edited by the White House.

Here is an except from Hansen's GISS research:
Since 1978, global warming has become even more apparent. Over the last 30 years, Hansen's analysis reveals that Earth warmed another 0.5°C, for a total warming of 0.9°C since 1880.
"To questions about whether this warming is natural or just a fluctuation, the answer has become clear: the world is getting warmer," Hansen stated. "This fact agrees so well with what we calculate with our global climate model that I am confident we are looking at warming that is mainly due to increasing human-made greenhouse gases."

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